In 2009, I started working as a hypnotherapist. At the time, I was 25 years old and had been bouncing around from job to job, unsure of what I wanted to accomplish with my life. I'd always wanted to help others and had used therapeutic talents in some of my past positions. So I decided to train as a therapist and enrolled in Glynis' programme. A one-year hypnotherapy certificate was included, which I thought would be fascinating. I didn't know much about hypnosis at the time, other than what I'd seen on TV shows like Little Britain, and I was focused on making a profession out of counselling. However, following my first Glynis lesson, I was hooked on hypnosis and knew it was what I wanted to pursue. Fast forward to today, and I'm a full-time hypnotherapist with a booming practise in the heart of a bustling town centre. I also have a counselling certificate, but hypnotherapy has become my passion. THESE ARE THE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD ALSO CHOOSE HYPNOTHERAPY AS A PRO...